Ukraine: revelations from a Spanish ambassador
In an unfiltered interview, former Spanish ambassador José Zorrilla offers a critical analysis of the Ukrainian crisis, and reveals what goes on behind the scenes in European diplomacy.
In an unfiltered interview, former Spanish ambassador José Zorrilla offers a critical analysis of the Ukrainian crisis, and reveals what goes on behind the scenes in European diplomacy.
The Siri voice assistant is accused of massively recording and processing private conversations without users’ consent.
Confidential documents obtained by Radio France and Le Monde reveal how Nestlé managed to obtain derogations to illegally filter its bottled water, despite health warnings and opposition from the Direction Générale de la Santé.
An alarming study by the Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie (OID) reveals that the French asylum system could theoretically concern almost 7% of the world’s population, according to current criteria.
Since the 16ᵉ century. In the Middle Ages, the year began on Easter Day. But Easter fluctuated according to the moon. Pope Gregory XIII modified the Julian calendar and had the Gregorian calendar adopted, which removed 10 days in one fell swoop. Thus, Friday October 15, 1582 succeeded Thursday October 4, 1582. Explanatory notes.
It’s a little chilly in France at the end of 2024. But if the cold of yesteryear were to fall upon us, it would cause thousands of deaths. Here’s a reminder…
Would the dice be loaded? Would global information now be controlled by a few planetary industrial groups? The question is raised with each election, with each crisis, in the United States, in France, and elsewhere. Social networks and lobbies have taken control of our brains.
The businessman king of transport continues his irresistible rise and invests in the European market.
Pascal Deshayes, President of the Coordination Rurale de Meurthe-et-Moselle, explains the reasons behind French farmers’ bloodbath: drought, floods, crop failures, epizootic diseases, unfair competition from foreign producers, and insane middlemen’s margins. “60% of farms have no cash flow”, he says. Interview.
The Correctional Court of the Nancy Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction (JIRS) will be examining the so-called “Carton Rouge” case from October 21 to November 15. Twenty-two defendants, 850 civil parties and losses of around 28 million euros.
Hanna Slak’s film is a psychological family drama, where the tumultuous relationship between a mother and her teenage son is as tempestuous as Brittany.
Police vehicles were set on fire in Cavaillon on Tuesday night, with no injuries reported. An investigation is underway to determine the origin of the incidents, which appear to be linked to reprisals by drug traffickers.