580 million people are eligible for asylum in France

An alarming study by the Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie (OID) reveals that the French asylum system could theoretically concern almost 7% of the world’s population, according to current criteria.

immigration (coastguard photo)
Today's event
Biden father and son (Flickr)

USA: Hunter Biden pardoned by his president father

Joe Biden signed his son Hunter’s presidential pardon this 1ᵉʳ December 2024, sparing him a possible prison sentence for convictions related to illegal weapons possession and tax fraud. But the fraudulent activities of his father’s son go far beyond that.

Michel Barnier, Premier ministre (GUENGL, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Michel Barnier under fire

The Prime Minister will deliver his general policy speech on Tuesday at the National Assembly. On the agenda are the hot-button issues of debt reduction, immigration and security. A vast program.

Dollar (Pixabay)

Who do you think will pay off the colossal US debt?

The United States is going to siphon off its European “colonies” to pay off its 35,000 billion debt, says Valérie Bugault, PhD, independent researcher and author of numerous books, including “The Hidden Reasons for World Disorder.”