
Coronaviruses : scientific approach

This book Edited by Jean-Marc Sabatier Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology Marseille brings together essential data regarding prevention (vaccination), detection, and various approaches (chemotherapeutic drugs and antibodies) to the potential treatment of coronavirus infections.

Jean-Marc Sabatier, Directeur de recherches au CNRS et Docteur en Biologie Cellulaire et Microbiologie, affilié à l’Institut de NeuroPhysiopathologie (INP), CNRS UMR 7051, de Marseille. Editeur-en-Chef des revues scientifiques internationales : « Coronaviruses » et « Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets ».

It consists of six chapters concerning, (1) the effect of candidate drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on QT interval in infected patients with Covid-19 diseases (chapter 1 by Aleem et al.), (2) the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC), comprising the Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, and Afghanistan (Chapter 2 by Kanwar et al.), (3) the humoral immune response in humans based on anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to treat Covid-19 diseases (chapter 3 by Çalık1 et al.), (4) the antiviral potential of herbal-based immunomodulators (chapter 4 by Kumari et al.), (5) the various methods and strategies for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 (and its variants) infection in hosts/humans (Chapter 5 by Narvekar et al.), and (6) the resistance to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and related Covid-19 diseases within a population based on the pre-existing immunity of a high proportion of individuals as a result infection or previous vaccination (chapter 6 byTiwari & Sahu). Such a book comprising a compilation of key data on SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 should certainly be a tool of crucial importance for researchers around the world
working on these research themes, as well as for clinicians confronted to a growing number of patients with Covid-19 (data from 20 th April 2021: 141 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection worldwide, with over 3 million deaths).

Coronaviruses, Edited by Jean-Marc Sabatier Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology Marseille (France) Bentham books.

Book Coronaviruses
