While Canadian truckers continue to blockade Ottawa, the “Freedom Convoy” is being organized in France and Europe. There will be a lot of people on the roads from February 11 to 14.
Expect a big weekend of chaos on the roads of France from Friday, February 11 to Sunday, February 13, 2022. The “freedom convoy” organized in France and Europe on the model of the truckers who have been blocking Ottawa for the past ten days, will converge on Paris and then, for some, on Brussels.
After a slight confusion on social networks between different groups that wanted to take the leadership of the movement, we see a little more clearly on what is being put in place.
The return of the Yellow Vests
“This convoy of freedom will be composed of some truckers, but mostly cars and motorcyclists, explains Kevin, spokesman for the Bloc-Lorrain. There are different groups in different regions, a bit like the Yellow Vests. The objective is Paris. It’s about blocking the capital on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 8 p.m. to express our anger against health constraints, against social injustices, against this government.”
This convoy of freedom that is being prepared on social networks seems to aggregate all sorts of discontent and resentment. Certainly, it is about demonstrating against the stupid and liberticidal vaccine pass that is not based on any serious scientific data. But it is joined by all those who can no longer bear social injustices, the rise in energy prices, the increase in prices of basic foodstuffs, the general malaise generated since the health crisis…
This is probably the reason why most of the “freedom convoy” will be composed of Yellow Vests who have never given up their demands.
Brussels on February 14
Instructions are given in each region via social networks. In the East of France, several convoys are planned from Strasbourg, Mulhouse and Metz for a first gathering in Nancy (La Sapinière in Laxou). Then a second rallying point in Reims before reaching the capital (see map).
Elsewhere in Europe, identical convoys are being set in motion to head for Brussels. The rendezvous is set for February 14, 2022.
If there are no obstacles on the road, of course.

"Convoi de la liberté": comment des anti-pass se préparent à bloquer Paris en s'inspirant du mouvement au Canada pic.twitter.com/H53FmRJdpR
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) February 8, 2022