Great East

Coronavirus: 25 deaths in France

The Chinese coronavirus is progressing in France with 1,412 confirmed cases, 286 more than yesterday and 25 deaths. In the Grand Est region there were 310 confirmed cases (+48 in 24 hours) and 4 deaths. Stock markets are collapsing.
The Paris stock market collapsed today, losing 8.39%, its worst session since 2008. The reason is due to the collapse of oil prices after the failure of negotiations between the Opep and Russia. The London Stock Exchange finished at minus 7.69%, the Madrid Stock Exchange is down 7.96% and the Milan Stock Exchange lost 11%. In Italy, the number of deaths stands at 463.
In the Far East, the ARS announces that on Monday 9 March at 17:00, 310 people have been confirmed biologically positive for the coronavirus Covid 19, 48 more people than yesterday at the same time. Most of the confirmed cases are linked to the epidemic outbreak in connection with the Lenten Week at the Christian Open Door Church in Bourtzwiller (Haut-Rhin).

Action to be taken

5 cases in Marne, 1 case in Aube, 1 case in Haute-Marne, 1 case in Ardennes, 3 cases in Meuse, 11 cases in Meurthe-et-Moselle, 22 cases in Moselle, 17 cases in Vosges, 53 cases in Bas-Rhin, 193 in Haut-Rhin and 3 cases originating in Aisne.
One new death was recorded today, bringing the total number of deaths for the Grand Est to 4. The patient who died today, aged 94, was from the Vosges.
Epidemiological investigations are in progress for all confirmed cases in order to identify contact subjects who may present a risk, to take appropriate management measures, particularly to protect vulnerable people and to slow the spread of the virus.
Reminder of instructions to be followed
The challenge is to curb the transmission of the virus currently circulating in the territory and to protect areas that are not or only slightly affected. To do this, it is up to each person to put in place the recommended barrier measures:
– Regular hand washing with soap
– Coughing or sneezing into his elbow
– Use disposable tissues
– Wearing a mask when you’re sick
– Avoid handshakes and hugs.

In case of symptoms (cough, fever) and if you return from a risk area or an outbreak of infection, you are asked to stay home and call 15.
In any case, in case of fever or feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, within 14 days of returning from an area where COVID-19 is circulating, people should contact the Samu Centre 15 and avoid contact with their surroundings, and keep a mask on. Individuals are asked not to go to their doctor’s office or to the hospital emergency room.

You will find more information on the Government websites of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and Public Health France.

France,Great East,