Truce negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are taking place in Riyadh under the aegis of the United States, without Europe. But lasting peace will only be achieved when Moscow is assured that NATO is no longer a threat to the Russian Federation.
Diplomatic talks to end the war in Ukraine continue this Monday, March 24, 2025, in Saudi Arabia, where American and Russian delegations are meeting. The talks come on the heels of exchanges between the United States and Ukraine.
“No missile in front of the door”
Europe is completely offside in these negotiations, because it refuses to see reality from Moscow’s point of view. What does Putin want? He’s been warning the West for a long time, particularly since the Munich Conference in 2007: “We made it clear that any move by NATO to the east was unacceptable,” he says. What’s incomprehensible about that? Do we place missiles near American borders? No! The U.S. has come close to us with its missiles. They are already on our doorstep. Is it an excessive demand to ask that no strike systems be installed near us? Not an inch to the east, we were assured in the 1990s. But so what? Well, they just cheated. They lied. Five waves of NATO expansion. And now, in Romania, in Poland, [strike] systems of this type are appearing. That’s the point. Please understand: we’re not threatening anyone. Have we moved closer to the borders of the United States or the United Kingdom? No. And now they’re saying that Ukraine is part of NATO. And [missile] systems will be installed there. That’s what they’re talking about. And they’re asking me for guarantees? You have to give us guarantees! And now.”
Il est fascinant de voir les dirigeants occidentaux s’offusquer des réactions de Vladimir Poutine alors qu’il avait mis en garde à la Conférence de Munich en 2007, que toute avancée de l’OTAN vers l’Est serait inacceptable.
Or depuis, l’Alliance Atlantique n’a cessé de s’étendre.— Barbara78 (@dragonduclos) September 2, 2023
Thirty-two NATO member countries
Vladimir Putin has never wavered in his declarations and demands. And it is clear that NATO has deployed its missiles and bases all over the world, including along Russia’s borders. In fact, since 1949, the number of Alliance member countries has risen from 12 to 32, in ten waves of enlargement. On March 7, 2024, Sweden became the 32nd member. Three Partner countries are currently seeking NATO membership: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine.
In Ukraine, the United States has long been at home. A few months ago, the “New York Times” confirmed the existence of twelve CIA bases, deployed in the immediate aftermath of the Maïdan revolution. And there’s more. The Pentagon has financed secret biological laboratories in Ukraine to produce weapons. This is according to Tulsi Gabbard, the new Director of US Intelligence. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirms it.
Vladimir Putin’s concerns are understandable.
American economic and military dominance continues to grow. With 1.4 million active military personnel, 800 declared bases in 177 countries and a budget of $877 billion, the US armed forces cost Americans a fortune. Senator Bernie Sanders did not vote for the 2025 budget.
As for the weapons sold to Ukraine since the start of the war, they are being resold on the black market, says the famous American journalist Tucker Carlson. He adds: “When are Europeans going to understand what this country is all about? Ukraine is a country apart, corruption is in its DNA, it’s a hub for all kinds of trafficking.
Are we to believe him?
ℹ️ Carte représentant l’avancement de l’OTAN depuis 1949 et ses ambitions années après années.
— Liberta Press (@liberta_press) March 7, 2025
🇺🇸 🤝 🇷🇺 BREAKING : La Russie et Trump pourraient redessiner la carte géopolitique mondiale.
La Russie prévoit de discuter de nouveaux accords de sécurité avec le président américain Trump pour « faire reculer » l’OTAN.
Poutine met les cartes sur la table : la Russie ne…
— Camille Moscow 🇷🇺 🌿 ☦️ (@camille_moscow) January 11, 2025
Comme celle de l’évolution des frontières orientales de l’OTAN cette carte des bases militaires étasuniennes dans le Monde montre bien qui veut le conquérir
⏩800 bases, dont 119 les seuls territoires de l’Allemagne et du Japon…
— The Keepers (@TheKeeper46) March 13, 2023
🚨👀🇺🇦 Tucker Carlson affirme que l’Ukraine vend des armes de l’OTAN au marché noir. Quand est ce que les européens vont comprendre ce qu’est ce pays? L’Ukraine est un pays à part, la corruption est dans son ADN, c’est la plateforme de tous les trafics
— ⚜ France for Trump ⚜ (@VirginiePerez15) March 11, 2025