Targeting the RAS (renin-angiotensin system) to treat neuropsychiatric disorders
The central role of the RAS (and its AT1R receptor) in human pathologies gradually discovered ?
The central role of the RAS (and its AT1R receptor) in human pathologies gradually discovered ?
Caregivers, administrative staff of health institutions, firefighters, liberal practitioners … 500 days today they are suspended, without pay, without unemployment benefits, without RSA, without anything. An unacceptable situation.
This is a real clinical trial aimed at comparing the risk of contamination between 2 groups of people: an “experimental” group of 5000 people will attend the concert and a “control” group of 2500 people will not attend the concert. Objective: to resume a festive and cultural life in complete safety.
“Do you realize what a mess you’ve made? “This is how an employee of the ByMyCar company in Nancy-Laxou (54) was greeted by her manager after a period of isolation due to Covid.