Pensions : It’s not working!
A new day of mobilization is scheduled for December 17, 2019 in response to the Prime Minister’s announcements. The grunting is getting worse. The Christmas truce could be the end of it.
A new day of mobilization is scheduled for December 17, 2019 in response to the Prime Minister’s announcements. The grunting is getting worse. The Christmas truce could be the end of it.
Point-of-view. In his analysis of pension reform published on his blog, former Secretary of State for the Budget Christian Eckert fears ulterior motives, such as the use of individual solutions such as private insurance. And put forward some proposals.
On Monday, December 9 at 2pm, at the premises of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques – Ensic (Amphi A), the University of Lorraine and the company Econick invited the elected representatives to present their innovative and ecological metallurgical sector that has emerged in Lorraine.
Will the executive smash itself on pension reform like others before it? This is what this day of strikes and demonstrations is all about.
The trade union front against pension reform intends to make December 5, 2019 a day of mobilization against the executive. But then what? Anything is possible… even the worst.
Two Chinese spies were caught photographing a prototype engine in a General Electric subsidiary Champigneulles … Read more