Presidential election : Towards a duel Macron Le Pen?
Is the election over, as the polls and political observers have been saying for months? Not yet. There are 17 days left before the first round and one month before the second.
Is the election over, as the polls and political observers have been saying for months? Not yet. There are 17 days left before the first round and one month before the second.
Viewpoint. The former Secretary of State for the Budget denounces Emmanuel Macron’s plan to bring back the idea of giving bonuses rather than increasing salaries, thus depriving the State and Social Security of revenue.
Yes, according to the latest polls that give Macron the winner in all cases. But in politics, nothing is ever definitive. A lot can happen between now and April 10 and 24.
Between two phone calls to Putin and the announcements of Jean Castex on the suspension of the vaccine pass, Emmanuel Macron finally makes his candidacy for his own succession official in the regional gazettes.
In a last Ifop poll for Paris Match, Zemmour would have passed before Le Pen and Pécresse. Philippot abandons the race for the Élysée. Le Pen, Zemmour, Mélenchon struggling for sponsorships.
While the outgoing president has not yet declared himself a candidate for his own succession, he remains at the top of the polls. With 54 days to go before the first round, the campaign is buzzing with betrayals, slips and stink bombs.
Some twenty French newspapers have joined forces with Agence France Presse and Google France to define what is true and what is false during elections. A new version of Pravda (Truth, in Russian) ?
Are the energy choices in the programs of the 10 main presidential candidates (Dupont-Aignan, Hidalgo, Jadot, Le Pen, Macron, Mélenchon, Pécresse, Roussel, Taubira, Zemmour) in terms of electricity, gas, and nuclear energy relevant for companies and the French ?
What if Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and others did not obtain the 500 sponsorships required to be candidates for the Élysée ? What would happen ?
For the first time, a QR code is included on the electoral card that will be sent to all registered voters for the presidential and legislative elections.
The 27ᵉ report of the Fondation Abbé Pierre draws up a critical assessment of the Macron quinquennium, far from the promises of a housing “supply shock” while the country has four million poorly housed and 300,000 homeless people.
The anger against compulsory vaccination and sanitary constraints does not weaken as shown by the numerous demonstrations organized everywhere in France this Saturday.