Bees can detect Covid-19
After a little training, our honeybees can be as effective as a PCR test in identifying SARS-CoV-2. Explanation.
After a little training, our honeybees can be as effective as a PCR test in identifying SARS-CoV-2. Explanation.
The head of the World Trade Organization warned Tuesday against splitting the global economy into rival blocs amid the war in Ukraine, calling on countries not to restrict trade at this time of crisis.
The electricity transmission system operator, RTE, is calling on businesses and individuals to reduce their consumption this Monday, April 4, 2022, due to a drop in temperatures.
Are the energy choices in the programs of the 10 main presidential candidates (Dupont-Aignan, Hidalgo, Jadot, Le Pen, Macron, Mélenchon, Pécresse, Roussel, Taubira, Zemmour) in terms of electricity, gas, and nuclear energy relevant for companies and the French ?
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
During the opening of the hunting season, discoveries of raptors riddled with lead are multiplying, while these species are strictly protected, notes the League for the Protection of Birds.
Viewpoint. As the 26ᵉ United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where representatives of the planet’s 196 countries met for two weeks, comes to an end, Christophe Grangeon explains here why this green grand-messe is a vast lie.
The entire territory of Metropolitan France has been placed at “high” risk due to the rapid progression of the avian influenza virus in Europe.
In France, snow tires will be mandatory in certain municipalities as of November 1. Elsewhere, each country has its own rules.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.