Three Nobel Prizes in Physics 2021
Three laureates share the Nobel Prize in Physics this year for their studies of chaotic and apparently random phenomena.
Three laureates share the Nobel Prize in Physics this year for their studies of chaotic and apparently random phenomena.
They live in Barcelona, Berlin or Paris. Every day, influencers broadcast moments of their daily life on social networks with the aim of increasing their number of “followers”. Thousands, even millions of followers who are potential consumers.
Why does the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, refuse to reveal the content of her exchanges with the head of Pfizer for the purchase of vaccines? An investigation has been opened.
The Australian submarine affair is not simply a commercial failure for France. It heralds a recomposition of the world in which Europe is sidelined.
The Australian submarine affair shows once again that the United States is not embarrassed by sentiment in order to impose its military, economic, cultural and judicial hegemony.
It’s hard to argue for mass vaccination against Covid-19 when you see what’s happening in Israel. Here is the thought that one of our readers sent to us.
Viewpoint. While health care personnel must have received at least one dose of vaccine by September 15, 2021, under penalty of sanctions, and the health pass has been mandatory since August 9, Dr. Christophe Grangeon, an emergency physician and forensic scientist in New Caledonia, explains why these measures have a political rather than a health justification.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
The operational leader of the commandos of the November 13 attacks in Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was born on April 8, 1987 in Anderlecht, Belgium, and died on November 18, 2015 in Saint-Denis.
The bold statement by a prominent Japanese physician, Haruo Ozaki, president of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, that Ivermectin should be used generally to treat Covid-19, may embarrass British and French medical authorities.
A few days before the start of the school year, two scientists, Pierre Sonigo and Jean-Marc Sabatier, express reservations and make recommendations about vaccinating students. They are interviewed by Dr Jean-Michel Wendling*.
The European Commission warns of the legal consequences of the third dose of vaccine since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not yet validated the principle of this vaccine booster.