Vaccines: U.S. justice system calls Pfeizer to account
Texas judge orders Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release Pfeizer vaccine safety data in 8 months, not 75 years!
Texas judge orders Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release Pfeizer vaccine safety data in 8 months, not 75 years!
In this Paul Schrader film, Oscar Isaac plays a methodical gambler and former military man guilty of unforgivable acts.
In his red and white suit in the colours of a famous soft drink brand, Santa Claus was officially born on December 6, 1809 in the United States. The story of a legend.
By “revisiting” the famous musical, Steven Spielberg makes a film that is both similar and different. The New York tragedy is as powerful as ever.
Suddenly the English language internet vibrates with this strange yet catchy slogan. What is going on?
It is an explosive “alert report” from the School of Economic Warfare that comes at the right time after the cancellation of the “contract of the century” for submarines destined for Australia and in the middle of the campaign for the presidential election.
The Australian submarine affair shows once again that the United States is not embarrassed by sentiment in order to impose its military, economic, cultural and judicial hegemony.
In his new book, the Vosges novelist tackles a theme that is as painful as it is current: disability. However, this novel, whose plot takes place in Mirecourt (88), takes a benevolent look at “abnormality” and reveals the formidable hope of social integration through learning. Interview.
Washington has agreed with Berlin on the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for Russian gas, under the Baltic. In exchange Germany has promised investments and political support for Ukraine.
ITER or the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, currently under construction at Cadarache in the South of France, is getting ready to receive the biggest magnet in the world.
According to Danish Television (DR), several German, French, Norwegian and Swedish parliamentarians and senior officials were regularly spied on by the US National Security Agency (NSA) with the assistance of the Danish secret service, Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE).
In a lawsuit filed with the public prosecutor in Paris on 22 march 2021, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) accuses Facebook of “deceptive commercial practices” on the grounds that the social media company’s promises to provide a “safe” and “error-free” online environment are contradicted by the large-scale proliferation of hate speech and false information on its networks.