Gilbert Thouvenin, "L'homme qui ne devait pas vieillir" (DR)

Gilbert Thouvenin, "L'homme qui ne devait pas vieillir" (DR)

“My God, why did you take them from me?”

That’s the question that 82-year-old Gilbert Thouvenin asks himself every day. His wife and three of his four children committed suicide, victims both of the little-known illness of bipolarity and of the wickedness of a family in their small village. Summary of his book “L’homme qui ne doit pas vieillir*” and interview.

Stéphane Vojetta, MP for the 5th constituency of the French abroad (DR)

Stéphane Vojetta, MP for the 5th constituency of the French abroad (DR)

A member of parliament for the French abroad from Toul

Stéphane Vojetta, a Toulois living in Madrid, is a candidate for his own succession in the 5ᵉ constituency of the French abroad, even though the presidential party to which he belongs, has invested the former Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. We asked him why he was maintaining himself. Interview.