The galley of the shipwrecked Covid-19
Whether they are French expatriates in faraway lands, tourists or foreigners stranded in France, there are several thousand of them being held far from home. Here are some examples.
Whether they are French expatriates in faraway lands, tourists or foreigners stranded in France, there are several thousand of them being held far from home. Here are some examples.
The coronavirus health crisis revealed the weaknesses and dangers of Donald Trump’s America. To the point of calling into question his global leadership.
Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg are taking protective measures that are worrying the 170,000 frontier workers in the Far East.
The Middle Kingdom has invested its capital in multinationals and consolidated its investments in Europe to take global economic leadership. But a nasty virus is now infecting the big machine.
Two Russian citizens, Maxim Shugalei and his interpreter have been detained in Libya for nine months now. A case with still blurred contours.
The death of the Iranian general in Baghdad on the orders of Donald Trump will have significant consequences throughout the Middle East and far beyond.
Thirteen French soldiers from the Barkhane force died on Monday in the accidental collision of two helicopters during a combat operation against jihadists.