Ukraine: the war in space
The war in Ukraine is also played in space. With the deployment of the Starlink stations of the American billionaire Elon Musk. And with the impossibility for Soyuz to keep its commitments with ArianeSpace.
The war in Ukraine is also played in space. With the deployment of the Starlink stations of the American billionaire Elon Musk. And with the impossibility for Soyuz to keep its commitments with ArianeSpace.
This Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. Moscow time, Vladimir Putin addressed his people to explain what he would do and why he would do it.
In the Ukrainian affair, there is a hidden actor: it is Xi Jinping who must be at work in the shadows. Ukraine is nothing more than an episode in the heavyweight fight for global supremacy.
Point of view. It is another reading of the conflict in Ukraine that is proposed here, based both on the agreements reached between the major powers and on the reality on the ground.
The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, made official this 21 February 2022 the recognition of the independence of the pro-Russian separatist territories of Ukraine. Europe and the United States are preparing sanctions against Russia.
The vaccines that are forced and massively administered to the population are neither completely harmless nor really effective. Moreover, their long-term side effects are unknown. Explanations with Jean-Marc Sabatier, research director at the CNRS and doctor in Cellular Biology and Microbiology.
As the fifth wave of the epidemic ebbs away around the world, many countries are gradually abandoning health constraints. Doctors and scientists are now noticing an explosion of side effects from vaccines.
Some twenty French newspapers have joined forces with Agence France Presse and Google France to define what is true and what is false during elections. A new version of Pravda (Truth, in Russian) ?
After a difficult day in Paris on Saturday, some demonstrators braved the authorities under the Eiffel Tower while others headed for Brussels.
Thousands of citizens angry against Macron’s policies, against the high cost of living, against the technocratic decisions of Paris have decided to converge on the capital to say their fed up.
While Canadian truckers continue to blockade Ottawa, the “Freedom Convoy” is being organized in France and Europe. There will be a lot of people on the roads from February 11 to 14.
Twenty international scientists from different disciplines are calling for an international investigation into the origins of the pandemic, in the spirit of the Olympic Charter. Here is their text.