Outbreak of sanity in Norway
Norway, a NATO member, has called on the US-led military alliance to stay away from its border area near Russia, saying the country’s own armed forces will take care of the strategic region.
Norway, a NATO member, has called on the US-led military alliance to stay away from its border area near Russia, saying the country’s own armed forces will take care of the strategic region.
The CovidCheck, Luxembourg’s equivalent of our health pass, provides for a strict application of the 3G regime (tested, cured or vaccinated) in companies as of January 15, 2022. Some see this as a discriminatory and liberticidal measure.
Jean-Marc Sabatier, Director of Research at the CNRS and Doctor of Cell Biology and Microbiology, has doubts about mandatory vaccination. Because vaccines have lost their initial effectiveness. And the Omicron variant, although contagious, does not cause serious forms of the disease.
According to the Botswana Ministry of Health, the virus was brought into the country by four diplomats!
But what do we really know about this variant? Is it more contagious, more dangerous? The molecular analysis of Jacques Fantini, professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Aix-Marseille.
Highly contagious, this new variant impacts the financial markets and calls into question the vaccine strategy since the current vaccines are designed to counter the initial Wuhan strain which has completely disappeared.
As in Austria, Australia and Guadeloupe, demonstrations shook the Belgian and Danish capitals on Saturday and Sunday.
In Guadeloupe, in Austria, in the Netherlands, in Australia and elsewhere, a popular fever against the health pass, against the vaccination obligation and against the authorities who are panicking in front of the rebound of the epidemic is rising.
In Rotterdam, a demonstration against health restrictions turned into a riot. The police fired on the crowd. Several people were injured.
Starting Monday, Austria lockdown for three weeks (until December 12) but schools remain open. Vaccination will be mandatory for all as of February 1, 2022.
Black Friday, this traditional commercial operation from the United States, will take place this year on November 26.
The police and the army refuse to control the health passes in the name of “freedom and human dignity”. They will join a large demonstration against compulsory confinement on November 20, 2021 in Vienna.