“Stress” Conference
Ivan I.Tverdovskiy’s film strongly evokes the memory of a Russian tragedy, the hostage-taking at the Dubrovka Theater in 2002.
Ivan I.Tverdovskiy’s film strongly evokes the memory of a Russian tragedy, the hostage-taking at the Dubrovka Theater in 2002.
Texas judge orders Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release Pfeizer vaccine safety data in 8 months, not 75 years!
The media inundates us with conflicting information about SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, about vaccines, about booster doses, about their safety, about their toxicity. What do we really know? Let’s take a look at some studies selected by Jean-Marc Sabatier.
In this Paul Schrader film, Oscar Isaac plays a methodical gambler and former military man guilty of unforgivable acts.
91 608 positive cases were recorded in France this Thursday, December 23, 2021. A record since the beginning of the epidemic. The more we vaccinate, the more the virus spreads!
According to the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM), there is no direct link between vaccination against Covid-19 and menstrual disorders. This statement is contested by scientists including Jean-Marc Sabatier.
In his red and white suit in the colours of a famous soft drink brand, Santa Claus was officially born on December 6, 1809 in the United States. The story of a legend.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
In its response to the Ministry of Health, the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) approved, today, the opening of vaccination against Covid-19 to all children aged 5 to 11. But 62% of the parents would be hostile to it, according to a poll BVA/RTL.
“Everyone has his reasons”, in the film by Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, awarded at Cannes. A dramatic fable between Kafka and Shakespeare.
Should we change our vaccination strategy since mass vaccination with two, three and soon four doses fails to eradicate the Covid-19 epidemic? The scientific controversy is growing.