France and the supercomputers
The Frontier supercomputer (USA) powered by AMD Epyc processors is now the fastest in the world. But where do France and Europe stand in this crucial competition for the future?
The Frontier supercomputer (USA) powered by AMD Epyc processors is now the fastest in the world. But where do France and Europe stand in this crucial competition for the future?
A high dose of vitamin D from the diagnosis of Covid-19 limits deaths, according to a COVIT-TRIAL study promoted by the Angers University Hospital and labelled a national research priority by the State. Explanations.
More than three months after the beginning of the war, the destruction of Ukraine continues and the Russian army is gradually weakening. American aid is falling behind and Europe is gesticulating in a vacuum.
It is one of the many side effects of the anti-Covid vaccination: urinary problems more or less serious are very numerous. Explanations.
Saturday, big fight at the gates of the stadium of France, in Paris. Sunday, a fight at the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium in Saint-Etienne. But what does the police do?
But where does this monkeypox come from that worries the health authorities so much? Could one of the anti-Covid vaccines using a chimpanzee adenovirus be the cause ?
But don’t panic, according to the new Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, France has enough stocks to vaccinate caregivers and contact cases.
“Les lignes bougent”, which defines itself as a real citizen’s lobby, is launching a petition to force public authorities to fight against food fraud, and particularly against fake olive oil.
Our planet Earth, Gaia in Greek, considered as a living being, regularly corresponds with another planet in the universe, Aurora Kepler 452 B in the constellation of the Swan. Gilles Voydeville makes us discover this magnificent interstellar correspondence.
Since Europe cannot yet do without Russian gas, half of Gazprom’s 54 European customers pay in rubles.
Huge funds have been flooding into Ukraine since the war began on February 24, 2022. But President Zelensky wants more. What is all this money for and who controls its use ?
More and more scientific studies attest to an increase in adverse events and deaths among people vaccinated against Covid-19. However, in France as elsewhere, we are moving towards numerous booster vaccines.