Presidential election : the lessons of the first round
The election of April 10, 2022 is full of lessons on French politics. Latest figures and first comments.
The election of April 10, 2022 is full of lessons on French politics. Latest figures and first comments.
Viewpoint. The former Secretary of State for the Budget, Christian Eckert, asks questions and, in so doing, sheds light on the use of consulting firms by the Macronie, in particular McKinsey.
Emmanuel Macron (28.5%) and Marine Le Pen (24.2%) will meet in the second round on April 24, 2022. Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20.20%) finishes in third place, Zemmour caps at 7.1%, Pécresse at 5.1%, Hidalgo at 1.9%.
The investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened for “aggravated tax fraud laundering” puts President-candidate Macron in a very delicate position a few days before the election.
With eight days to go before the first round, the president-candidate is starting to get nervous. He fears not to be present in the second round and, if he succeeds, to be beaten by Marine Le Pen. Branlebas of combat at LAREM.
What if Macron wasn’t in the second round? The question may seem absurd in view of the flattering polls for the president-candidate. However, an election is not simply a matter of arithmetic. It’s a very subtle alchemy that algorithms can’t capture.
Viewpoint. The former Secretary of State for the Budget denounces Emmanuel Macron’s plan to bring back the idea of giving bonuses rather than increasing salaries, thus depriving the State and Social Security of revenue.
Between two phone calls to Putin and the announcements of Jean Castex on the suspension of the vaccine pass, Emmanuel Macron finally makes his candidacy for his own succession official in the regional gazettes.
Viewpoint. Former Secretary of State for the Budget Christian Eckert, who worked with Emmanuel Macron at Bercy, says here why it would be irresponsible to allow the current President of the Republic to serve a second term.
By stating that he wants to “piss off the non-vaccinated until the end”, Jupiter has just revealed his contempt for the French who challenge his authority. By doing so, he has disqualified himself for the 2022 presidential election.
What should we retain from Emmanuel Macron’s wishes? Not much more than a never-ending satisfaction and nothing in the speech that has not already been said. End of reign ?
In his “address to the French” this Tuesday, November 9, 2021, the President of the Republic announced: -the maintenance of the health pass conditional on the 3ᵉ dose of vaccine,-the pension reform postponed to 2022, -the construction of nuclear reactors.